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Cited article:
Ferdinand Hofer
Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct., 2 2-3 (1991) 215-230
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On the application of energy filtering TEM in materials science: I. Precipitates in a Ni/Cr-alloy
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Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy
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Core Level Spectroscopies for Magnetic Phenomena
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The formation of silicon carbide films from disilane derivatives
Edwin Hengge, Arno Zechmann, Ferdinand Hofer, Peter Pölt, Benno Lux, Michael Danzinger and Roland Haubner Advanced Materials 6 (7-8) 584 (1994)
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EELS microanalysis of the elements Ca to Cu using M23 edges
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Quantitative microanalysis using electron energy-loss spectrometry. I. Li and Be in oxides
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Preparation of mixtures of silicon oxynitride and silicon nitride by the reaction of calcium silicide with ammonium chloride
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Germanium Concentration Profiles Across Interfaces And Close To Dislocations In Cvd Si1−xGex-on-Si Junctions.
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Towards a practical method for EELS quantification
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