Free Access
Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct.
Volume 6, Number 5-6, October / December 1995
Page(s) 523 - 531
Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct. 6, 523-531 (1995)
DOI: 10.1051/mmm:1995144

On the Improvement of SIMS Technique by the Use of $\bf MCs^+$ Molecular Ions

Cosimo Gerardi et Claudia Massaro

PASTIS-CNRSM, Centro Nazionale per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo dei Materiali, SS7 "Appia", km 714, 72100-Brindisi, Italy

The SIMS $\rm MCs^+$ method, consisting of detecting the molecular ions formed by the element of interest M and $\rm Cs^+$ ion, emitted under $\rm Cs^+$ bombardment is discussed in this work. A strong reduction of matrix effects has been observed in all the investigated samples. Moreover linear calibration curves can been obtained with good accuracies by plotting the relative matrix concentrations against the corresponding signal intensity ratios. A comparison with XPS results obtained from the analysis of a Fe on Zr on $\rm SiO_2$ structure has been also reported. In addition good depth resolution and near surface pre-equilibrium region reduction have been observed on $\rm MCs^+$ profiles.

7920N - Atom , molecule , and ion surface impact and interactions.
0775 - Mass spectrometers and mass spectrometry techniques.
6855 - Thin film growth, structure, and epitaxy.

Key words
gallium arsenide -- III V semiconductors -- indium compounds -- iron -- secondary ion mass spectroscopy -- semiconductor thin films -- silicon compounds -- zirconium -- SIMS -- molecular ions -- Cs sup + bombardment -- matrix effects -- linear calibration curves -- signal intensity ratios -- XPS -- depth resolution -- near surface pre equilibrium region -- InGaAs -- Fe Zr SiO sub 2

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