Free Access
Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct.
Volume 3, Number 5, October 1992
Page(s) 433 - 442
Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct. 3, 433-442 (1992)
DOI: 10.1051/mmm:0199200305043300

The contribution of discrete transitions to integrated inner shell ionisation cross sections

David Rez1 et Peter Rez2

1  Pennine House, Pennine Drive, London NW2 1PA, England
2  Center for Solid State Science and Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1704, U.S.A.

Previous calculations of inner shell cross sections used in quantitative microanalysis have neglected transitions to discrete states that appear in spectra as white lines. White line are especially prominent in L23 edges from 1st and 2nd row transition elements and M45 edges in rare earth elements. These discrete features can make a substantial contribution to the integrated cross section, especially for small energy windows less than 50 eV In this paper we present results for 2p-3d transitions for 1st and 2nd row transition elements and 3d-4f transitions for rare earth elements, using Dirac Slater wave functions. The effects of different ionisation states are examined and the results compared to experiment.

3270C - Oscillator strengths, lifetimes, transition moments.
3280H - Auger effect and inner-shell excitation or ionization.

Key words
Electronic transition -- Oscillator strengths -- Inner-shell ionization -- Cross sections -- Line intensity -- Transition elements -- Rare earths -- Atoms -- Atomic ions

© EDP Sciences 1992